History of Yana Shchebyvok

Rating of Yana Shchebyvok as a function of time

Game Balance of Yana Shchebyvok, sorted by Dates of Events
PlaceDate ↑SignificanceSurname PrenameRatingExpectedObservedNet Yield
Костопіль2005-04-030.000000  TkhorevskyyVitaliy1061 0.00016 0.00000 -0.00016
ShlapakOlesya215 0.08434 0.00000 -0.08434
IzotovaIryna-150 0.47121 1.00000 0.52879
OsypchukMaryna-198 0.53973 0.00000 -0.53973
Костопіль2005-01-050.000000  NovakTaras1217 0.00005 0.00000 -0.00005
LevchukOleksandr880 0.00063 0.00000 -0.00063
DubynetsRoman-34 0.31238 1.00000 0.68762
StasyukMaksym-195 0.53669 1.00000 0.46331
NurulinaIvanna-368 0.76253 0.00000 -0.76253


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