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4. Can the Tournament be rated?

All rating is nothing without reliable results. Thank you all for sending me the results. But ...

One of the most time-consuming and error-prone tasks is the import of tournament data into the database. The following (rather incomplete) list shows problems, that I faced. Please do not misunderstand me. I do not want to blame you for bad data. I just want to give you an impression of the whole frustration caused by our casual procedure. I hope that everybody will feel the need for a more formal method.

I am aware of the fact, that nobody can work without errors. If there is someone working with no errors, he should win almost all games.

Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. So do not feel offended, if you find data that you supplied. I am sure that there are many more errors. But because they did not lead to contradictions, they did not attract attention. Most of the problems could be resolved by interviews, by analyzing the final standings, or by typing in faxes of tournament standings (wasting much time!).

The ambiguities can be classified into three main groups:

4.1 Player Identity: Who is Who?  
4.2 Who Scored against Whom?  
4.3 Tournament Status: Fun or Glory?  
4.4 Transmission: Making Life Easier.  

This document was generated by Hermann Kleier on January, 20 2001 using texi2html