History of Carlos Mora

Rating of Carlos Mora as a function of time

Game Balance of Carlos Mora, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
London1998-08-290.000000  LindenMark van der1812 0.00109 0.50000 0.49891
London1998-08-290.000000  KanterTim de1571 0.00681 0.00000 -0.00681
London1998-08-290.000000  YildizNuri1414 0.02193 0.00000 -0.02193
London1998-08-290.000000  KanterRoel de1233 0.07665 0.00000 -0.07665
London1998-08-290.000000  BeekMaarten van ter998 0.27627 0.00000 -0.27627
London1998-08-290.000000  HaarEric van de971 0.30914 0.00000 -0.30914
London1998-08-290.000000  VenJohan van de734 0.64013 0.50000 -0.14013
London1998-08-290.000000  LettenmayerReyk707 0.67604 1.00000 0.32396
London1998-08-290.000000  WoykTimm117 0.99195 1.00000 0.00805


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