History of JPR Hommersom

Rating of JPR Hommersom as a function of time

Game Balance of JPR Hommersom, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Arnhem1999-04-250.000000  BoutenDavid1487 0.22890 0.00000 -0.22890
Arnhem1999-04-250.000000  YntemaWillem1439 0.28385 0.00000 -0.28385
Arnhem1999-04-250.000000  OttoJeroen1370 0.37418 0.00000 -0.37418
Arnhem1999-04-250.000000  SchepersJohn1332 0.42635 1.00000 0.57365
Arnhem1999-04-250.000000  HofmannUwe1021 0.82518 1.00000 0.17482
Arnhem1999-04-250.000000  MarechalPeter979 0.86152 1.00000 0.13848


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