History of Nikos Xatzinikolaou

Rating of Nikos Xatzinikolaou as a function of time

Game Balance of Nikos Xatzinikolaou, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Σκύδρα2015-09-260.000015  AdamakisGregory1507 0.47703 0.00000 -0.47703
Σκύδρα2015-09-260.000015  KoustenisAthanasios1490 0.50037 1.00000 0.49963
Σκύδρα2015-09-260.000015  TrypanagnostopoulosGeorgios1433 0.58211 1.00000 0.41789
Σκύδρα2015-09-260.000015  GilfesisStamatis1376 0.65984 0.00000 -0.65984
Σκύδρα2015-09-260.000015  KaratziosJohn1276 0.78064 1.00000 0.21936


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