History of Keano Vranckx

Rating of Keano Vranckx as a function of time

Game Balance of Keano Vranckx, sorted by Dates of Events
PlaceDate ↑SignificanceSurname PrenameRatingExpectedObservedNet Yield
Hulshout2018-08-150.004129  BergiersPhilippe1452 0.00002 0.00000 -0.00002
SchepersJohn1328 0.00004 0.00000 -0.00004
VosKees de1232 0.00009 0.00000 -0.00009
LeysenMaarten953 0.00076 0.00000 -0.00076
TurnhoutFerre van551 0.01602 0.00000 -0.01602
AlmeidaAlexander de187 0.17404 1.00000 0.82596
Westmeerbeek2018-07-210.003643  GuldenWout1674 0.00000 0.00000 -0.00000
SchepersJohn1328 0.00004 0.00000 -0.00004
LeysenMaarten953 0.00076 0.00000 -0.00076
VlasselaerJonas van635 0.00857 0.00000 -0.00857
PeetersFerre290 0.09642 0.00000 -0.09642
DierckxTjorben96 0.27138 0.00000 -0.27138
Hulshout2018-05-210.002667  TurnhoutFerre van551 0.01602 0.00000 -0.01602
TambuyserVictor-55 0.47363 0.00000 -0.47363
RaevenYana-211 0.69077 0.50000 -0.19077
TurnhoutKato van-305 0.79827 1.00000 0.20173
RaevenKiara-552 0.95473 1.00000 0.04527


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