History of Vadim Tretyakov

Rating of Vadim Tretyakov as a function of time

Game Balance of Vadim Tretyakov, sorted by Dates of Events
PlaceDate ↑SignificanceSurname PrenameRatingExpectedObservedNet Yield
Київ2001-04-070.000000  GrishinAleksey853 0.00014 0.00000 -0.00014
KirichenkoSergey383 0.00502 0.00000 -0.00502
GrigoryevKirill-10 0.08416 0.00000 -0.08416
KlimenkoMasha-155 0.19289 1.00000 0.80711
OchrimetsValery-213 0.25553 0.00000 -0.25553
ZhigadloAleksey-369 0.46226 0.00000 -0.46226


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