History of Axel Pernett

Rating of Axel Pernett as a function of time

Game Balance of Axel Pernett, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Bilbao2023-11-180.965921  Campo GonzalezEgoitz1118 0.05195 0.00000 -0.05195
Bilbao2023-11-180.965921  BarrientosDaniel736 0.39116 0.00000 -0.39116
Bilbao2023-11-180.965921  MariezkurrenaAndoni714 0.42229 0.50000 0.07771
Bilbao2023-11-180.965921  ZubiaurreJoseba544 0.66106 1.00000 0.33894
Bilbao2023-11-180.965921  KulachenokMaximo105 0.97354 1.00000 0.02646


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