History of Hector Palencia

Rating of Hector Palencia as a function of time

Game Balance of Hector Palencia, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Portugalete2020-05-230.092817  Campo GonzalezEgoitz1118 0.01423 0.00000 -0.01423
Portugalete2020-05-230.092817  MontielMikel789 0.13243 1.00000 0.86757
Portugalete2020-05-230.092817  BeriashviliTomas146 0.88399 1.00000 0.11601
Portugalete2020-05-230.092817  GetxoLuis-147 0.98418 0.50000 -0.48418
Portugalete2020-05-230.092817  ErromoAndi-156 0.98518 0.50000 -0.48518


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