History of Dirk van Losenoord

Rating of Dirk van Losenoord as a function of time

Game Balance of Dirk van Losenoord, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Eindhoven2000-03-260.000000  JungbluthKlaus1247 0.00832 0.00000 -0.00832
Eindhoven2000-03-260.000000  HofmannUwe1022 0.04285 0.00000 -0.04285
Eindhoven2000-03-260.000000  BergmansRob739 0.23171 1.00000 0.76829
Eindhoven2000-03-260.000000  SnoeijsJohn724 0.24778 0.00000 -0.24778
Eindhoven2000-03-260.000000  BurgtMarc van der469 0.59447 0.00000 -0.59447
Eindhoven2000-03-260.000000  BaronHanneke215 0.87487 1.00000 0.12513


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