History of Lasse Baasch

Rating of Lasse Baasch as a function of time

Game Balance of Lasse Baasch, sorted by Dates of Events
PlaceDate ↑SignificanceSurname PrenameRatingExpectedObservedNet Yield
Rendsburg2016-08-200.000139  AbelNils516 0.23765 0.50000 0.26235
AbelNils516 0.23765 0.00000 -0.23765
JungclausFinn285 0.54751 0.00000 -0.54751
JungclausFinn285 0.54751 1.00000 0.45249
SieversMads237 0.61414 1.00000 0.38586
SieversMads237 0.61414 1.00000 0.38586
JungclausEric29 0.85069 0.00000 -0.85069
JungclausEric29 0.85069 1.00000 0.14931


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