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5.1 The Current Ratings

The data are stored in the file rating.zip. You will need a `PKUNZIP'-compatible program to unpack. The archive contains two files: `byname.txt' and `byrating.txt'. These text files are compact and can easily be imported to any spreadsheet program. The field separator is `,' and the records end with a new-line. The records of both files contain seven fields:

  1. International Ranking. If the player has no ranking, the fields is empty.

  2. National Ranking. If the player has no ranking, the fields is empty.

  3. Nationality. The two-character ISO-3166 country codes as of 1997-08-07 17:59:51 are used.

  4. Games Factor.

  5. Surname. ISO-8859-1 character encoding is used.

  6. Prename. ISO-8859-1 character encoding is used.

  7. Rating.

This document was generated by Hermann Kleier on January, 20 2001 using texi2html