History of Argia Guadilla

Rating of Argia Guadilla as a function of time

Game Balance of Argia Guadilla, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Bilbao2016-05-280.000081  Campo GonzalezEgoitz1098 0.00059 0.00000 -0.00059
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  0.00059 0.00000 -0.00059
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  GarcíaImanol757 0.00788 0.00000 -0.00788
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  TalIrene de536 0.03984 1.00000 0.96016
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  CruzLisandra516 0.04576 0.00000 -0.04576
Bilbao2016-05-280.000081  SánchezKepa176 0.30956 0.00000 -0.30956
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  0.30956 0.00000 -0.30956
Bilbao2016-05-280.000081  TurucetaMikel139 0.35898 0.00000 -0.35898
Bilbao2016-05-280.000081  AriasAlex69 0.45574 1.00000 0.54426
Bilbao2016-05-280.000081  UrkijoNerea-86 0.67381 1.00000 0.32619


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