History of Guillermo Delgado

Rating of Guillermo Delgado as a function of time

Game Balance of Guillermo Delgado, sorted by Dates of Events
PlaceDate ↑SignificanceSurname PrenameRatingExpectedObservedNet Yield
Bilbao2022-11-130.714419  PérezUnai714 0.32529 1.00000 0.67471
OteroSamuel632 0.43756 1.00000 0.56244
CarballeiraJesus578 0.51536 0.00000 -0.51536
MartínezDiego510 0.61057 0.50000 -0.11057
CasqueroGarikoitz468 0.66733 0.50000 -0.16733
Bilbao2019-06-150.026365  RodríguezJacob799 0.22387 1.00000 0.77613
LópezAnder369 0.78583 0.50000 -0.28583
Bilbao2018-11-170.010697  HernándezPablo349 0.80561 1.00000 0.19439
Bilbao2018-06-160.005181  Campo GonzalezEgoitz1118 0.03162 0.00000 -0.03162
MendozaDarlyn671 0.38259 1.00000 0.61741
SánchezIvan565 0.53290 0.50000 -0.03290
PardoIker508 0.61364 1.00000 0.38636
TalIsabella de244 0.89139 1.00000 0.10861


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