History of Wouter Bosch

Rating of Wouter Bosch as a function of time

Game Balance of Wouter Bosch, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Nijmegen2016-10-010.000146  SchepersJohn1350 0.05342 0.00000 -0.05342
Nijmegen2016-10-010.000146  GerritsTheo1340 0.05705 0.00000 -0.05705
Nijmegen2016-10-010.000146  VosKees de1239 0.10849 0.00000 -0.10849
Nijmegen2016-10-010.000146  NeuijJens1157 0.17243 0.00000 -0.17243
Nijmegen2016-10-010.000146  LohrerMarkus1110 0.21971 1.00000 0.78029
Nijmegen2016-10-010.000146  HaarEric van de973 0.38890 0.00000 -0.38890


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