History of Emanuel Rutten

Rating of Emanuel Rutten as a function of time

Game Balance of Emanuel Rutten, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Tiel1996-10-050.000000  HogeWouter1658 0.11556 0.00000 -0.11556
Tiel1996-10-050.000000  FrankaGeorge1639 0.12920 0.00000 -0.12920
Tiel1996-10-050.000000  BergErik van den1545 0.21371 0.00000 -0.21371
Tiel1996-10-050.000000  DerksMarc1524 0.23652 1.00000 0.76348
Tiel1996-10-050.000000  GerritsTheo1334 0.48587 0.00000 -0.48587
Tiel1996-10-050.000000  VisscherBionda993 0.88301 1.00000 0.11699
Tiel1996-10-050.000000  SmedemaMaarten897 0.93613 1.00000 0.06387


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