History of Aitor Rodríguez

Rating of Aitor Rodríguez as a function of time

Game Balance of Aitor Rodríguez, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  Campo GonzalezEgoitz1098 0.18691 0.00000 -0.18691
Bilbao2015-11-290.000024  0.18691 0.00000 -0.18691
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  AroniWiden814 0.55298 0.50000 -0.05298
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  GarcíaImanol757 0.63217 1.00000 0.36783
Bilbao2015-11-290.000024  0.63217 0.50000 -0.13217
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  CruzLisandra516 0.88564 1.00000 0.11436
Bilbao2015-11-290.000024  SantosMar497 0.89789 1.00000 0.10211
Bilbao2016-02-210.000042  SánchezKepa176 0.98903 0.50000 -0.48903
Bilbao2015-11-290.000024  TurucetaMikel139 0.99173 1.00000 0.00827
Bilbao2015-11-290.000024  AlberdiaAlberto-114 0.99879 1.00000 0.00121


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