History of Tomas Beriashvili

Rating of Tomas Beriashvili as a function of time

Game Balance of Tomas Beriashvili, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Bilbao2019-11-160.051614  AroniWiden814 0.03497 0.00000 -0.03497
Bilbao2019-11-160.051614  SánchezJorge802 0.03803 0.50000 0.46197
Bilbao2019-11-160.051614  LópezAnder565 0.16846 0.50000 0.33154
Portugalete2020-05-230.099067  PalenciaHector557 0.17612 0.00000 -0.17612
Bilbao2019-11-160.051614  BurgosAntony502 0.23119 0.00000 -0.23119
Portugalete2020-05-230.099067  GílJon Ander295 0.50518 0.50000 -0.00518
Bilbao2019-11-160.051614  0.50518 0.50000 -0.00518
Portugalete2020-05-230.099067  IlegorriKristina150 0.70322 1.00000 0.29678
Portugalete2020-05-230.099067  GetxoLuis-28 0.87976 0.50000 -0.37976


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