History of Malte Neuesüß

Rating of Malte Neuesüß as a function of time

Game Balance of Malte Neuesüß, sorted by Ratings of Opponents
PlaceDateSignificanceSurname PrenameRating ↑ExpectedObservedNet Yield
Hannover2005-06-250.000000  PauschAnsgar1246 0.05817 0.00000 -0.05817
Hannover2005-06-250.000000  PauschVincent1145 0.11028 0.00000 -0.11028
Hannover2005-06-250.000000  DrewsPaul1018 0.21997 0.00000 -0.21997
Hannover2005-06-250.000000  HochRebecca995 0.24520 0.50000 0.25480
Hannover2005-06-250.000000  HergesellKevin495 0.86637 1.00000 0.13363
Hannover2005-06-250.000000  KlausnitzerJan1.00000 


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