History of Illya Naumchuk

Rating of Illya Naumchuk as a function of time

Game Balance of Illya Naumchuk, sorted by Dates of Events
PlaceDate ↑SignificanceSurname PrenameRatingExpectedObservedNet Yield
Рівне2007-05-050.000000  KalyuzhnyyNazariy996 0.00358 1.00000 0.99642
RaykovychAlina539 0.09509 0.00000 -0.09509
IgnatievBorys213 0.44290 1.00000 0.55710
KuparOleksandra62 0.65664 0.00000 -0.65664
KuparNataliya41 0.68359 0.00000 -0.68359
ZolotarovValentyn-393 0.97562 1.00000 0.02438
Рівне2005-10-010.000000  PashaOleksandr1194 0.00079 1.00000 0.99921
MykhalyukYuriy1048 0.00242 0.00000 -0.00242
HumenyukDmytro399 0.20815 0.00000 -0.20815
LeonovetsViktor240 0.40547 0.00000 -0.40547
YashchurMykola178 0.49364 0.00000 -0.49364
HerasymchukMaksym102 0.60204 1.00000 0.39796


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