History of Anne-Kathrin Langner

Anne-Kathrin Langner is unrated.

Game Balance of Anne-Kathrin Langner, sorted by Dates of Events
PlaceDate ↑SignificanceSurname PrenameRatingExpectedObservedNet Yield
Weil2011-01-080.000000  HanggAxel1468 0.00000 
WöhrleSascha1265 0.00000 
GünterDaniel1016 0.00000 
ZöbelinJoel757 0.00000 
Weil2007-08-040.000000  LudinEike1212 0.00000 
KaliskaDirk1112 0.00000 
GünterDaniel1016 0.00000 
ZöbelinJoel757 0.00000 
Weil2006-07-010.000000  LudinEike1212 0.00000 
ZöbelinJoel757 0.00000 
BöhlerPatrick460 0.00000 
WißgottJohannes405 0.00000 
KnuteLukas79 1.00000 
Weil2004-12-110.000000  ZöbelinTobija1188 0.00000 
RühleStefan1046 0.00000 
GünterDaniel1016 0.00000 
ZöbelinJoel757 0.00000 
ErhardtDavid550 1.00000 
BöhlerPatrick460 1.00000 


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